Sanhita Banerjee, Kolkata

Join this incredible expedition with Mr Apratim Saha and his amazing support team during the winter migration of the mighty Eagle Hunters of Mongolia.

If you are after some memorable life experiences and outstanding photographs to cherish, then this is the one for you.

I recently had the privilege of embarking on a photography tour led by the renowned Apratim Saha, a true mentor in the world of photography. Apratim’s reputation as a master photographer precedes him, and I can affirm that it’s well-deserved. His wealth of knowledge and keen artistic eye transformed this tour into an intensive photography workshop. At every step of the journey, he offered invaluable insights into composition, lighting, and the nuances of capturing Mongolia’s unique beauty. Whether you were a novice or an experienced photographer, his mentorship elevated your skills to new heights.

The tour’s itinerary was a carefully curated masterpiece. We ventured deep into Mongolia’s remote regions, ensuring that we met eagle hunters in their place so that we could shoot their natural activity. We were also graced with the opportunity to visit traditional nomadic communities, offering a rare glimpse into Mongolia’s rich culture and its harmonious coexistence with nature.

A successful photo tour hinges on seamless logistics, and this tour exceeded my expectations. Accommodations, transportation, and meals were thoughtfully arranged, ensuring that our focus remained solely on photography. The traditional Mongolian gers were not only authentic but also surprisingly comfortable, allowing us to rest and recharge for the next day’s adventures.

What truly sets this tour apart is Apratim’s personal touch. He invested not only in our photography but in our overall experience. He shared anecdotes, engaged in discussions, and fostered a sense of camaraderie among the group. It was apparent that his passion for photography was infectious and that his genuine love for Mongolia inspired us all.

In conclusion, Exposure’s photo tour to Mongolia with Apratim Saha was an awe-inspiring journey that I will cherish forever. It was an exquisite blend of artistic exploration, cultural immersion, and the sheer joy of photography. If you’re an aspiring or seasoned photographer looking for an experience that will transform your skills and leave you with unforgettable memories, I wholeheartedly recommend joining Apratim on his next Mongolia photography tour. It’s a true masterpiece in the world of photographic adventures.

Mongolia Photo Tour

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